Careglio has been a leader in the field of industrial and residential flexible closures for over forty years and, since the start, the ability to customize has been its strength.
In this section you can contact the Careglio team directly to request an individual quote, tailored to your needs.
Fill out the form by entering the data of the closure you have selected and detailed measurements of the area where it is to be installed: this will allow us to send you a more accurate assessment.
You can also download the color chart in PDF format and select the color of your choice in the drop down menu.
Finally, enter your personal or company information in order for us to contact you promptly with the our estimate.

colori disponibili per teli in pvc

    Dichiaro di aver acquisito le informazioni fornite dal titolare del trattamento ai sensi dell'articolo 7 del UE 2016/679 riportate nel documento Privacy Policy e presto il mio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per le finalità facoltative qui riportate: invio di informazioni commerciali via e-mail